Convenient? - He then saves the exact same girl he met from before by accidentally finding her like a needle in a haystack in that huge city, and at the exact moment someone tries to kill her.

He gets out in a city, which is completely empty of people when he needs to fight some puppet robots and then gets magically filled with people when the battle is over. That makes him look like he can’t even break a simple wall, something that he should have done if he is indeed not thinking at all. Instead of easily breaking through the wall and chasing the girl he found there, he instead jumps upwards. So he ends up in a room with a wall that blocks the exit. Although he acts like that in the main series as well, after all the things he has learned he should definitely not feel like a complete rookie. Naruto is presented like a completely useless and oblivious idiot who just rushes into trouble without any plan at all. Yet every ten minutes you get a situation where nothing makes sense.

As cheesy as this sounds, they could have made something decent out of it if it had good directing. Minato was at that moment trying to seal the power source for the first time. So the generic villain of this movie tries to take advantage of a power source sealed by the fourth Hokage, which ends up throwing him and Naruto back in time (Yamato too but he doesn’t matter at all). Minato barely does something in this movie any ninja couldn’t do better. And the problem is, they didn’t even offer that. It’s like they animated it just for the fans who wanted to see all the adults of the series still as kids and Minato kicking ass with his super elite powers. Other than that, the whole thing is made without much care or love. The movie abuses the time travel gimmick to offer some silly fanfic situation where he can meet them while they are still alive. This is the seventh Naruto movie, made around the time the protagonist finds out who his parents are.