Romsets for final burn alpha rom set
Romsets for final burn alpha rom set

From time to time I see people saying “yeah but I’m missing sounds because of those samples” : that shouldn’t be the case, most likely they are just using the wrong samples pack.

  • Samples vs Netlist emulation : we prefer keeping samples for now, netlist is a nice feature, but ultimately we don’t think samples sound bad (we even have some systems where we offer alternative sound emulation through samples while the actual sound device is also emulated), so enforcing the emulation to be twice slower for this didn’t seem right to us.
  • I can only remember of a few occurrences where we are intentionally inaccurate: In some edge cases we even end up being more accurate than MAME, it’s always a bit funny when someone comes reporting that “something is different from MAME, so that must be a bug”, and after investigating about the actual cabinet, we learn that FBNeo is actually the one emulating the game properly (in those cases, we let the MAMEdevs know, so I believe the inaccuracies are fixed shortly after on their side).

    romsets for final burn alpha rom set

    It doesn’t actually mean we don’t care about accuracy, when we add a new system we usually make it as accurate as possible, and we also revisit old systems for accuracy improvement purpose. Regularly, I see misunderstandings about our playability focus. It supports most libretro features (netplay, runahead, retroachievements, …). The team is composed of dink, iq_132, JacKc, kev and me.

    romsets for final burn alpha rom set

    It’s more focused on playability than on accuracy/preservation. Final Burn Neo (FBN/FBNeo) is the follow-up of Final Burn Alpha (FBA/FBAlpha), an alternative to MAME for arcade emulation.

    Romsets for final burn alpha rom set